Hey, Y’All . . . since this seems to be the “thing to do” . . . decided to start one up. Lord knows what or how often I’m gonna add anything here . . . but feel free to say ‘hey’ & keep in touch . . . //meelp.com/blog/675896/post_3723035.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Vanita:Well, I have been liking this [...]
They operated on him and removed the tumor earlier this year.
(15 November 2016)
Last year he was diagnosed with brain cancer.
(15 November 2016)
The family has a wonderful 2yr boy that I provide care for full time.
(15 November 2016)
I work for a family of 3 with a special situation.
(15 November 2016)
I let everything bring me down and upset me . I recently got my heart broken extremely bad . Now I'm very negative how do I keep my head up?
(15 November 2016)
HELP! Ok, so really weird twisted situation looking for some outside insight. About 6 yrs ago I started seeing my friends brother?
(15 November 2016)
Ps: I am the 3rd long term girlfriend she has driven away while I've known them.
(15 November 2016)
I told him we should just get our own place and he agreed but now he's sending his sister to put her name on the lease and I'm afraid that nothing will change and he will always only want his sister to be the only chick in his life.
(15 November 2016)
They went through a tragic death of their dad when she was 15 and he was 18 with an unstable mother so obviously they've been through A LOT and deserve to be very very close with each other.
(15 November 2016)
Over time his sister and I became best friends then I started to notice this certain jealousy.
(15 November 2016)
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