Saturday, 19 November 2016

DWW looking for LTR

I am a divorced woman looking for companionship and LTR. I would like to meet a single, divorced or widowed WM. I am new to Columbus but I have a GPS. Looking for someone with in 25 miles of the Columbus area. I enjoy college football, outdoors stuff, water, cooking, and much more. I’m not [...]

He gave them to a pimp and paid him to say I m a hooker.Now everyone thinks I m a prostitute although I ma virgin.What to do?
(19 November 2016)

He has two properties that he rents out and a summer place and seems to have money to go to his summer home and fish.
(19 November 2016)

He never surprises me with any special trinket and has many friends that are girls.
(19 November 2016)

We have sex and its good but he also lives w his mother who is not sick but just old and his sister who works.
(19 November 2016)

Buy take out for him, his mother and sister.
(19 November 2016)

I give him gas money, treat for restaurant lunches , buy him beer , treat for restaurant dinners, bought him gift cards.
(19 November 2016)

Would you prefer a man in a suit combined with a slutty girl or a heavy metal guy accompanied by a girl in a long, fancydress?
(19 November 2016)

She also says she doesn't have any real friends she can talk to besides me and another girl.
(19 November 2016)

Who else hates George O'malley from Grey's?
(19 November 2016)

He always blames everyone on every single problem.
(19 November 2016)

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