Sunday, 20 November 2016

Each of these has been shown to help reduce tension and anxiety

Men and women alike benefit from flora. When a worker is calm, cool and collected, they are more productive. Also, the simple act of watering plants within the office can relax you. There are ways you can increase your happiness and energy levels without ever bringing a plant into the office._ Lydia:Game: Take Beatle songs … Continue reading Each of these has been shown to help reduce tension and anxiety

But i feel he wanted to talk more.
(18 November 2016)

And since i was in a hurry I stood up and said thanks and went to the library.
(18 November 2016)

Well lately he just talks to me a lot, he asks me things and he conpliments me on my work, and today at lunch he came to me and told me thanks for a work ( i was helping him ) and well he said it realy nicely , i saw that he was kind of embarrassed.
(18 November 2016)

Hi guys well theres this boy that i like at middle school.
(18 November 2016)

Is dating someone for almost 5 months serious?
(18 November 2016)

Would I still be a virgin and did he???
(18 November 2016)

Why is my Asian female friend treated badly in high school? She was stalked by some ppl into a bathroom at our school n was called names?
(18 November 2016)

She's the only one who gets bullied and ignored when we're with other people.
(18 November 2016)

I'm white, and our friend circle consists of Two black kids, one Indian girl and the 2 of us.
(18 November 2016)

Good woman, take care of my kids (2), good career, but I can't find a man that is decent to be with me or my kids.
(18 November 2016)

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