Tuesday 1 November 2016

Finally….loyalty has paid off…..

Yep…what can I say….I stay in a lot of hotels…..but don’t seem to just stick to one chain, and so I’m pretty sure, I have loyalty points everywhere……This morning when i woke up, I did not kn //meelp.com/blog/645974/post_3724579.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Michiko:Well one thing led to another and now we have been hanging out and sleeping together on the [...]

How to help my son with his aggressive behavior?
(31 October 2016)

It has spilled over into my household and the school is freaking out.
(31 October 2016)

His dad never tells me what goes on in his house its none of my business but now it is.
(31 October 2016)

Should I report this behavior to my lawyer?
(31 October 2016)

This is not appropriate my son is too young to be so angry.
(31 October 2016)

I told his dad he got offensive said thats what boys do and told me not to tell him dumb stuff like that again.
(31 October 2016)

I figured talking would be fine but my son came home from his last visit with his dad with a busted lip and two days in school he punched another child in the throat for no reason.
(31 October 2016)

Things he's never done until his visitation started with his dad.
(31 October 2016)

Recently my son came back with aggression he balls his fists when things does not go his way now, he's yelling and screaming at the kids I baby sit in the evening.
(31 October 2016)

He left for a year after he got his visitation then he came back and our son spends every other weekend with him.
(31 October 2016)

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