Tuesday 29 November 2016

I managed t spend time with BH and my baby sister and her BH

The menu was limited (bagels) and the ambience left a little to be desired. I spent the beginning of my 64th year from a hospital room. So, there we all were, gowned and gloved and masked. Several of you have commented that I have been missing from social media recently.

Should I contact his ex?
(8 November 2016)

Do I contact her and ask her to stop communicating with him since it seems like he won't?
(8 November 2016)

Im getting incredibly angry, and I feel disrespected by his actions and lack of understanding of my request, especially if we are going to work things out and move forward.
(8 November 2016)

He said he would, but he hasn't.
(8 November 2016)

It seems like there are still feelings.
(8 November 2016)

I feel uncomfortable wit the relationship, so I've asked him to stop talking with her.
(8 November 2016)

They work together (both officers) He has told me they remain friends, however I have found text messages that show she still has feelings for him.
(8 November 2016)

We broke up 2 years ago, and he started dating someone else right away.
(8 November 2016)

I'm about 9 weeks pregnant with my ex's child.
(8 November 2016)

I keep getting this sense of hope because i have caught hum looking at me a few times but not long enough.
(8 November 2016)


I don't want him to get fired from his job and I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble for him.
(28 November 2016)

He is good friends with my family and my brothers best friend.
(28 November 2016)

Me and my high school teacher are getting married as soon as I graduate.
(28 November 2016)

How do I know when to take a chance to ask someone out?
(28 November 2016)

What would you personally name a boy and girl with these middle names?
(28 November 2016)

If boys he will have a brother Timothy Scott Elias If girls she will have a sister Lisa Vannessa Robin Sorry Elizabeth Vanessa Robin.
(28 November 2016)

Basically any name you can come up with.
(28 November 2016)

Middle for Boy-Ronald Wayne Middle for Girl Patricia Carol We like Common,uncommon, trendy ,unique,different,bibical, Any orgin is fine.
(28 November 2016)

Why am I feeling annoyed with having a feeling for someone?
(28 November 2016)

Why is my best friend being mean and distant?
(28 November 2016)

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