The coffee date goes well so where do you take it from there? Well I guess it depends what you are looking for. If you are dating maybe that gets counted as a first date and you arrange a second one?M // Thuy:He s golden child and I m child of concern, I just wanna know [...]
Weird question, I know, but I'm curious.
(11 November 2016)
If a girl and a guy are both like kinda mean, does that make them a good couple because they are both alike?
(11 November 2016)
Should I try to have a baby now?
(11 November 2016)
Should I have the baby now, wait for a few years, or make a compromise and if so what would that be?
(11 November 2016)
He's brought it up every day for weeks and I can tell he's getting impatient with my maybes or Idk's.
(11 November 2016)
I want to wait just a couple more years (after I get my Bachelor's) but I know he doesn't want too.
(11 November 2016)
He's not in college but I am, however I do most of it online and I wouldn't mind going to campus at times being pregnant.
(11 November 2016)
I really don't want to at this moment but I do want children and I'm willing to compromise.
(11 November 2016)
My husband really wants a child now.
(11 November 2016)
Did she 'finish'?
(11 November 2016)
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