Saturday 26 November 2016

Soy una chica atrevida q busca diversion y mucho amor

santa tecla, la, El Salvador // Ettie:So my birth name is Madison, and I’d like to keep it similar, but my name is too feminine for me, I also don’t want a name that’s very masculine. any suggestions?(6 November 2016) Lillian:Hello can you read this?(6 November 2016) Maria:Am i being paranoid about not seeing my [...]

Spent a week with him and trying to work things out.
(25 November 2016)

What to do about my awkward dad?
(25 November 2016)

I don't know how to get my dad away when I have my boyfriend over because it's embarrassing.
(25 November 2016)

He's very nerdy and sometimes I feel like I was born with the wrong parents because I'm way more alike to his brother.
(25 November 2016)

My dad is extremely awkward and weird, especially when I bring a boy over.
(25 November 2016)

Am I pregnant or is it the medicine?
(25 November 2016)

Now, I thought I was supposed to have my period on the 13th of November but it's the 25th and I feel worse.
(25 November 2016)

Now last month I had to take a bunch of medicine for my epilepsy and my teeth and that made me have my period early on the 13th of October instead of the last day but I had it for one day.
(25 November 2016)

So over the past few months I felt a bit nauseas and my breast felt a little tender but I had my period.
(25 November 2016)

I've been going out with my girlfriend for a year going on two, we argue all the time and I'm thinking about ending it?
(25 November 2016)

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