Monday, 7 November 2016

Sup Sup? How ya doing?

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada // Carry:I would consider myself well traveled (we’ve been to Cancun, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Italy, London, Dubai, India an the Maldives.) I do not have a job, but I do have to take out the trash.(23 October 2016) Carry:I drive a 68 mustang hat I had fixed up.(23 October 2016) Carry:I [...]

I would hit her up right now and say all of this to her but I'm scared that she's with somebody and for it to be awkward.
(6 November 2016)

If I could do anything that anything would be to just have her back as mine and only mine.
(6 November 2016)

She was jealous too because she hated seeing me talk to other girls right in front of her.
(6 November 2016)

I got jealous over her doing little things, I was way way attratched to her so I got really jealous whenever another guy complimented her for example.
(6 November 2016)

Anyhow.. Some of the reasons why we were on and off were because we argued over little things, that could be fixed if we had a 5 minute conversation.
(6 November 2016)

I've been feeling like this ever since we stopped talking and that was almost a month ago.
(6 November 2016)

We had a similar music taste and a majority of the music I like to listen to has to remind me of her and it hurts to think of her.
(6 November 2016)

She has my virginity, she was a my first to like everything, and a lot.
(6 November 2016)

She means everything to me still and I wanna have her back because I care the most about her.
(6 November 2016)

Every other relationship I've tried to get with has failed cause it's something about her that I like that there other bitches don't have.
(6 November 2016)

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