Thursday, 1 December 2016

A Random Thought….

[image] // Alaina:I never had anyone to talk to about Liz.(10 November 2016) Alaina:Im almost 31 years old and I still have these feelings for someone like a 13 year old kid.(10 November 2016) Alaina:Each time I dream about her they just feel so real and when I wake up my feelings for her just grows more and [...]

My roommate is so nice, but we are incompatible.
(1 December 2016)

For this reason, I didn't have much trouble making friends in high school.
(1 December 2016)

I'm a naturally introverted person, but when I am surrounded by extroverts or even with 1 outgoing friend, the shyness melts away.
(1 December 2016)

In short, I feel so lonely & isolated.
(1 December 2016)

I'm about to finish up the 1st semester of freshman year at a very large university.
(1 December 2016)

Pray my beautiful wife will come back to me and we can work this out i cant be any more sorry than I am.
(1 December 2016)

Please pray for the restoration of my wonderful marriage.
(1 December 2016)

I love her more than anything and everything I miss her and this has been the hardest time in my life and the only thing I want to do is talk to her about it but I cant.
(1 December 2016)

She doesn't know if she can stay in this marriage anymore I promise I never meant to hurt her I said what I felt in that moment in time but it was out of fear not love.
(1 December 2016)

I never wanted to hurt her, but after a lot of thought I was being shallow, selfish, and insensitive.
(1 December 2016)

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