Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Because everything you see is perfect and beautiful

Real friendships, real people, real life. People want the girl who can share the raw, the ugly, the personal. Who, for a select few, can let you see the non-social-media-approved version of herself. My husband is amazing and he loves me, and we talk things out._ Tomika:I’ve laid him on my pillow for now with… Continue reading Because everything you see is perfect and beautiful

But I have no idea how to tell him that these events are unenjoyable for me without making him feel insulted or causing a huge argument.
(20 December 2016)

I don't want to keep having this issue with him every time we get invited to an event.
(20 December 2016)

I would rather we didn't go but I don't think telling him no will go over well.
(20 December 2016)

But I also don't want to keep him from enjoying it or risk insulting people because I refuse invitations.
(20 December 2016)

I don't want to go to this New Year's Eve party because I know I'll hate it.
(20 December 2016)

But this year I want to enjoy the holidays with him.
(20 December 2016)

This is our first holiday season together since last year, the relationship was still relatively new.
(20 December 2016)

I have agreed to Christmas but now he wants New Years Eve too.
(20 December 2016)

Well this holiday season he wants to spend a lot of time with them.
(20 December 2016)

But theyre big talkers and they enjoy talking amongst themselves more than including others.
(20 December 2016)

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