I'm not attractive and I'm mean as all hell, at least in my mind.
(19 December 2016)
I feel like I'm trying to sabotage myself socially and turn myself into an outcast but idk why.
(19 December 2016)
I'm a 20 years old guy, and I suffer from depression with psychotic features.
(19 December 2016)
Do you think my girlfriend loves me?
(19 December 2016)
I know I love her but I don't want to tell her unless I'm pretty sure she loves me because I don't want to move to fast if she doesn't.
(19 December 2016)
We've known eachother little over a year and have been dating a little over a month.
(19 December 2016)
Do you believe you can feel vibes when someone likes you?
(19 December 2016)
Do you believe that there's vibes between two people if they like eachother?
(19 December 2016)
It's like the vibes where I feel like we're both j to eachother but we've never talked in person.
(19 December 2016)
There's this guy and whenever we catch eye contact or I feel him looking at me or I'm around him I just feel certain good vibes.
(19 December 2016)
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