Friday, 23 December 2016

Do you remember when you first turned your brand new PC on and how fast it worked?

The program increases overall speed and squeezes out every last bit of performance your PC is capable of. It is, completely compliant with all versions of Microsoft Windows and adjusts itself to your computer stipulations. Through PCMedik 8 License Key and a click of the mouse you can bring back this speed to your computer [...]

She told me I was overreacting and that I need to choke on a corn dog.
(23 December 2016)

She told me I was a gayfer homo fish and to kill myself, so I pushed her down the stairs headfirst and threw a turkey at her.
(23 December 2016)

I bent over and took my poo out of the toilet and hurled the turd into her gray hair.
(23 December 2016)

But i have a temper so this wasn't over.
(23 December 2016)

I was taking a really big diarrhea and she said she was sorry and slammed the door.
(23 December 2016)

So I was using the bathroom when my grandma walked in on me.
(23 December 2016)

Would my job title be a turn off for a lady?
(23 December 2016)

I know that there are women that have jobs at my level but most of them are too old and too young for me.
(23 December 2016)

Now sometimes I feel my job may be a turn off for women.
(23 December 2016)

Some of them work for major companies.
(23 December 2016)

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