North Vancouver , British Columbia, Canada // Gertrude:So guys in high school how easy is it for you to find a girl attractive or find a girl decent looking and would date her.(25 November 2016) Gertrude:I’m talking about around your high school years.(25 November 2016) Coralee:Boyfriend hasn’t been lasting very long in sex lately?(25 November [...]
I have had a crush on a guy who is not too normal. (like he doesn't behaves like my other exs) I think he likes me too.
(17 December 2016)
Safest places to live near Bell,CA?
(17 December 2016)
What's the etiquette on timelines for meeting a boyfriend's family?
(17 December 2016)
Here we are at 6 months of dating and I still haven't seen the inside of his house (he has said i can come over and he'll introduce me as a friend) and his family doesn't know of me. thoughts?
(17 December 2016)
He said he was very private and didn't want the entire family to know of me yet.
(17 December 2016)
He replied he lives with a male cousin and if he finds out about me, he'll blab to the entire family.
(17 December 2016)
Around 3 months of dating, I asked why i was never invited to his house.
(17 December 2016)
We're both 30, well established and we're in a serious relationship -he talks about a future with me all the time.
(17 December 2016)
I've been dating a man for exactly 6 months.
(17 December 2016)
Middle Eastern names?
(17 December 2016)
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