Sunday, 11 December 2016

I have suspected for the past 2 years that I have a Cranial leak

The only symptom up until recently is a flow of clear watery fluid from my right nostril when bending. This only happens once every so often and I can go for months with nothing at all. I have recently experienced dizziness and ear fullness as well as brain fog._ Nicolasa:A lot of women think that … Continue reading "I have suspected for the past 2 years that I have a Cranial leak"

I asked her why she likes shoulder rubs and she said it's because she's a 28DDD.
(11 December 2016)

And afterward she gets, up, hugs me and goes about her business.
(11 December 2016)

Seriously, every day she comes home from school she takes her bra off from under her shirt, sits on a chair in the kitchen, lifts her boobs up, scoots in as far as she can, plops them on the table and then asks me for a shoulder massage.
(11 December 2016)

Is this healthy?
(11 December 2016)

I've never felt this strongly about a girl.
(11 December 2016)

I am super turned on just thinking about her or talking to her.
(11 December 2016)

I dream about her all night and have wet dreams constantly.
(11 December 2016)

Ever since then I've been obsessed with her.
(11 December 2016)

I fell in love with her a month ago and I'm pretty sure she did with me too.
(11 December 2016)

We went on dates but we weren't serious yet because we didn't know each other that well yet.
(11 December 2016)

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