Thursday, 22 December 2016

Improvement means there was a plan that things were going to get better

Here in New Orleans, you have been involved in the Lower Ninth Ward, one of the neighborhoods hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina. Ten years after the storm, what has changed? Ten years after the storm, the community has totally changed. The Lower Ninth Ward had about 18,000 residents before Katrina._ Caren:Please any advice would help, … Continue reading Improvement means there was a plan that things were going to get better

I have no car and taxis get to be too much so splitting the day is hard.
(21 December 2016)

My girlfriend does tend to get really upset when I leave her for a few days because she really has no time to spend with anyone since her mom works all the time.
(21 December 2016)

At the same time, my family will get really mad since they got me things too.
(21 December 2016)

I feel like if I spend it with my parents, my girlfriend will be crushed because they want me to spend it with them since it's just the two of them.
(21 December 2016)

Most of the time I'll spend time between two households usually more at my girlfriends since I really don't have anywhere to stay at my parents house since I live on my own.
(21 December 2016)

I met my girlfriend in college but when we come down for the holidays, we are about 2 hours away from each other.
(21 December 2016)

They both got me gifts and want me to come spend time with them since I'm up in college.
(21 December 2016)

My family and her family (just her and her mom) both celebrate Christmas around the same time.
(21 December 2016)

My girlfriend and I have been together for about a year now and we are both really serious about each other.
(21 December 2016)

Hello, I am in a little bit of a predicament and I don't know who to spend the holidays with.
(21 December 2016)

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