Sunday, 11 December 2016

It put so much pressure on the liver that it cut off blood supply back to the heart

Well, it turns out Katie and company are dead wrong. After the polyps were removed, they were biopsied for cancer. This finding is particularly upsetting because, as the lead study author Dr. The researchers recommended that less-invasive, endoscopic techniques be used to remove colon polyps rather than surgery.

Why do women attractive women assume they are better than you?
(19 November 2016)

No one is better than anyone in my belief.
(19 November 2016)

We are all people, snd we are all the same.
(19 November 2016)

Just because she doesnt have sexual interest in me and she is pretty makes her better than me?
(19 November 2016)

I am a pretty decent looking guy too, but why ignore someone and be rude?
(19 November 2016)

Last night in passing I tried starting a conversation with this woman and she would not give me the time of day because I am assuming she did not have sexual interest in me.
(19 November 2016)

If I go to a bar I talk to whoever is around me.
(19 November 2016)

I talk to everyone because I love having a good conversation.
(19 November 2016)

He stares at me and looks away when I look back?
(19 November 2016)

I always try to smile at him when I catch him look but he looks away so quick without giving me a chance to.
(19 November 2016)


I ended up asking four times before he actually came and each time he didn't he said he forgot.
(11 December 2016)

I wrote him a song in return and told him to meet me in a music room so that I could perform it to him.
(11 December 2016)

I was dating this guy called Luke and he wrote me a song and I felt bad because I didn't do anything.
(11 December 2016)

I'm 14, I go to CE Byrd High, and I feel like an idiot?
(11 December 2016)

I'm probably gonna be the laugh of the school tomorrow.
(11 December 2016)

My parents ungrounded me because I didn't know but now I just feel stupid?
(11 December 2016)

I feel horrible, he never told me that.
(11 December 2016)

I didn't know what they were talking about until they told me he was dyslexic and I didn't even know.
(11 December 2016)

My boyfriend never wanted to text me through phone.
(11 December 2016)

HELP! I caught my 7 year old daughter masturbating! Is she going to go to Hell?
(11 December 2016)

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