We all have our preferences. 1.) Please do not be young enough to be my son2.) Please be within a reasonable distance to my locale3.) Due to my stature I need a man at least my height 5′10″. Y //meelp.com/blog/677811/post_3740399.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Dolores:I just do not like when they tell me to do things, so I break things [...]
Why do some parents get rid of their kid's childhood stuff without even asking them first? What is there reason for doing that?
(28 December 2016)
I play the trumpet actually, not that it's important or anything.
(28 December 2016)
No, I don't have gym class and I have never before seen another female half or fully naked.
(28 December 2016)
Im pregnant????? OMFG!!! Is it wrong for me to feel like I don't want to be bothered?
(28 December 2016)
He's nice but...I don't know if I could trust him or if he would leave her.
(28 December 2016)
It's odd he gave me money to help with furniture for my place.
(28 December 2016)
I want to trust him bUT I don't know.
(28 December 2016)
So now l just dont want to be around him. it's been a week and I haven't invited him over or seen him He had a christmas party I wasn't invited to.
(28 December 2016)
An ex wife, woman at home and then me.
(28 December 2016)
I told him that he has a lot on his plate.
(28 December 2016)
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