Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Organ Systems are webs of relationships within the human body and mind

As humans, we are understood to be fully in a relationship with Nature. Nature is full of colors; as reflections of Nature, we have colors also. This web of associations reflects the holistic perspective of Chinese medicine. We look for these colors in the face in particular, but we also notice what colors a person … Continue reading "Organ Systems are webs of relationships within the human body and mind"

Hes denied it multiple times in the last few weeks but i havent found his drugs.
(19 December 2016)

Well now i know hes doing it again.
(19 December 2016)

I helped him get cleaned back up and back on the right track.
(19 December 2016)

When i finally got it out of him was in august.
(19 December 2016)

I had my suspensions but no proff.
(19 December 2016)

I didnt find out for a little bit.
(19 December 2016)

But then his brother passed away in may.
(19 December 2016)

We hit things off great and everything was fine.
(19 December 2016)

He told me that he used to have a drug problem but that he was 2 years clean.
(19 December 2016)

So when i met my boyfriend a year and a half ago he was very open and honest with me.
(19 December 2016)

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