Saturday, 17 December 2016

The 6D successor will have a smaller body and will be lighter

A lot of false information has circulated over the web, even about the Canon 6D Mark II announcement. Thankfully, trusted sources had confirmed that the device will not be released in 2016 sometime this summer. Unfortunately, a lot of different sources reported a lot of different things, making it hard to trust either of them._ Lashawnda:Yes [...]

He did not ejaculate inside of me at all but just to be safe within the 72 hour period I took the take action pill emergency contraceptive.
(17 December 2016)

My partner and I had unprotected sex on December 5th which was a few days before ovulation.
(17 December 2016)

Dry sexual intercourse?? Am I still a virgin??? (PLEASE ANSWER!!!!)?
(17 December 2016)

I just realized yesterday that this is how sexual intercourse feels like.
(17 December 2016)

And he did in my vagina too, so am I still a virgin?
(17 December 2016)

Yesterday, I was arching my back against the wall, and the boy put his penis in my butt, was doing it hard.
(17 December 2016)

How to say no to my mother wanting to move in?
(17 December 2016)

So she's mooching off of someone to save up for a house and it's my responsibility?
(17 December 2016)

Just after they condemned her for years of treating me poorly.
(17 December 2016)

One of my family members is actually siding with her.
(17 December 2016)

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