Which is better: The Pier or The Wing? The seat itself is very wide, in fact you could almost fit two people in it side by side. Although one was in a brand new A350-900 it was certainly a let down after the stellar 1st class to/from JFK-HGK. Last item is that HGK flights seem to always suffer delays nowadays.
Hello, I think it would be best to start from the beginning so... yeh.
(20 November 2016)
I just caught my son peeing in a cup, poured it down the drain an then put the cup back in the cabinet!?
(20 November 2016)
OMG I had to take ALL the dishes out of the cabinets an wash them, I have no idea how many times I have poured my self a glass of wine an he had peed in the glass.
(20 November 2016)
So I asked Max if that was what his dad did an he said yes.
(20 November 2016)
I called his asshole father an asked him if he urinated in his kitchen glasses an poured it down the sink, he said no, he pees in a pee cup in the garage an throwed it out in the yard.
(20 November 2016)
If a man is over 40 and unmarried is there something wrong?
(20 November 2016)
What does it mean if a guy shakes your hand and then holds your hand and maintains eye contact for about two seconds before leaving?
(20 November 2016)
Is it cheesy to say I'm a human?
(20 November 2016)
My gf just tried to cut of my balls! Help?
(20 November 2016)
I was jerkin off to steven Hawkins and my gf caught me so she gone downstairs and 2 minutes later she grabbed my balls and has scissor with her, I'm hiding right now What should I do?
(20 November 2016)
Help? What do I do now?
(12 December 2016)
If so what do I say for either one?
(12 December 2016)
You also can't see me stating that I like him without actually opening the message so what should I do?
(12 December 2016)
We both have our read receipts on so we both know what times we've read each message.
(12 December 2016)
I told the guy I liked that I liked him over text.
(12 December 2016)
How do I connect to my grandparents I deeply miss at Christmas?
(12 December 2016)
What was your first time having sex like?
(12 December 2016)
Also we plan on using condoms but I'm not on birth control nor can I be because my parents are strictly 'no sex until marriage' type of people and wouldn't allow that or get it for me.
(12 December 2016)
Are you and that person still together?
(12 December 2016)
Would you say having sex at 17 is an okay age?
(12 December 2016)
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