Sunday, 11 December 2016

The series revolves around four generations of a Texas family and their friends

Jason, a former Marine, introduces himself the first day of their statistics class. I like the way my character John Donaldson expresses the inspiration for my Love on Life’s Zip Line Books. The view below goes by too fast. It is sometimes beautiful, sometimes blurred, and always changing._ Arnita:And I’m so hurt that I love … Continue reading "The series revolves around four generations of a Texas family and their friends"

When the kid resisted the guy got mad, broke some of his stuff and left.
(11 December 2016)

A couple years later he broke into a kids house and attempted to molest him.
(11 December 2016)

Obviously my brother freaked out and made him leave, rightfully so.
(11 December 2016)

My brother was sleeping on the couch and woke up to the guy zipping down my brothers pants.
(11 December 2016)

About 5 years ago when he and my brother were 13 or 14. This guys was staying at our house.
(11 December 2016)

Ok, so this guy was my brothers and I childfriend.
(11 December 2016)

Have you ever been surprised by someone's age?
(11 December 2016)

The last time was when I talked to a friend of mine ablut cute singers and I said I liked Brian Molko because he's only 10 years older than us....turns out he is 22 years older.
(11 December 2016)

Who decides the baby's last name?
(11 December 2016)

We have a lot of other issues but I was just curious abuot this.
(11 December 2016)

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