Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Union Minister for Women and Child Development Smt

Road, Mysuru, was held today in the presence of HH Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji. The education given to humans means moral education. Education without morale is not education. Every educational institution should have the goal of imparting moral education consisting of culture, knowledge and values._ Charita:I also had been a little dizzy and tired.(28 November … Continue reading "Union Minister for Women and Child Development Smt"

He talks to me when he sees me at work, but won't text me.
(20 December 2016)

I am a 24 year old female and I really like this guy.
(20 December 2016)

How often should a male text a female friend for it to just be friendship?
(20 December 2016)

Or does it just depend on the context-what could be said in the texts?
(20 December 2016)

Does it really matter how often?
(20 December 2016)

Would it be multiple times a day, few times a day, once a day, or all the above?
(20 December 2016)

Serious A guy saves friend's child's picture to their device, what does that mean to you? Is it weird? Normal?
(20 December 2016)

PS I'm dating the guy, and I don't know his female work-friend.
(20 December 2016)

He also claims he really likes cute things, but I wouldn't be too sure of that.
(20 December 2016)

A guy has a coworker-work-friend that is a female and is texting this guy, he saves the picture of his friend's child's picture, is that weird?
(20 December 2016)

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