Saturday, 17 December 2016

What is the Schumann Resonance and how can it help you?

Now, however, modern lifestyle has increasingly separated us from this flow of energy. We wear insulating rubber or plastic soled shoes that block the flow. Obviously we longer sleep on the ground as we did in the past. Research is now revealing that this energy upgrades our physiology._ Suzi:Do i get a restraining order or…

My wife teaches yoga and wants to name our daughter something related to nature, like a flower.
(17 December 2016)

Why am i always getting rejected by girls?
(17 December 2016)

I don't like when girls use the words bruh, bro or dude?
(17 December 2016)

My girlfriend has had 3 dreams where she has been raped?
(17 December 2016)

To me its kind of concerning, and I was wondering if i'm worried for no reason or not.
(17 December 2016)

But overall she is not bothered much at all by these dreams.
(17 December 2016)

She said the one with her Ex was the most violent.
(17 December 2016)

Her and my biggest kink is consensual non-consent, and we have done things relating to this.
(17 December 2016)

In her past she has not been sexually assaulted at least that I know of. but recently after starting dating, she has had three dreams where she has been raped.
(17 December 2016)

A man and I are moving into a more than friends state, what should I ask him for for Christmas?
(17 December 2016)

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