Sunday 1 January 2017

Any non-white girls into white guys like me?

I have always wanted to date someone that is non-white. All the girls that I have been the closest with in the past have been black, latin or asian. Sadily, nothing has developed to allow for me to have one of these girls as a girlfriend. Is there anyone that wants a white guy that [...]

Lucy and I were going through a difficult time.
(1 January 2017)

I think I got my girlfriend pregnant?
(1 January 2017)

She's also had a sinus infection.
(1 January 2017)

Okay I'm really desperate please help Okay so I'm not going to lie we lost our virginities to each other and now (about 3 weeks later) she's saying her boobs are sensitive and she's gaining weight and she has alot of headaches.
(1 January 2017)

Guy bumped into me accidentally on purpose. Rude or cute?
(1 January 2017)

He came up behind me at the store, brushed my shoulder and turned around and smiled.
(1 January 2017)

I almost raped a girl on new years eve?
(1 January 2017)

I groped and almost raped a girl on new years eve because women find me me unattractive i have aspergers what shall i do?
(1 January 2017)

Fight with dad?
(1 January 2017)

We haven t talked in over 4 days and this is not how I planned on starting the new year what should I do?
(1 January 2017)

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