Monday 2 January 2017

Be my sexual mentor (advice or hands on, up to you)

I am just looking for a woman to talk to ask various question about sex from a woman’s perspective. Surely there are things you have always wondered about men, in and out of the bedroom. If you have anything your curious about feel free to ask. In return I have a few questions about women’s [...]

So I am on my second week of winter break and hadn't seen my crush for a week.
(2 January 2017)

Is there a way I could have that done so I want have to stress over something I can never have?
(2 January 2017)

Is there some way I can shut my sex drive off like I heard there is something called chemical castration.
(2 January 2017)

I was always sex is suppose to be one of the greatest feelings ever but it's pure hell being attracted to girls and wanting to have sex but not being able to do it.
(2 January 2017)

I have peyronie's disease so sex is incredibly painful for me I had to throw a girl off me one time cause I thought you dick was going to snap in half.
(2 January 2017)

I know how to do hickeys done before my current guy has tan skin never can get hickeys then complains I'm doing it wrong?
(2 January 2017)

Is it ok to invite a friend over to my house with my boyfriend?
(2 January 2017)

I feel that the person may feel left out or unwanted and I don t want that.
(2 January 2017)

I m not allowed to have him over alone but it s ok if there are more people.
(2 January 2017)

Period is late but need to take plan B?
(2 January 2017)

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