Monday 9 January 2017

Getting in Shape, Need Motivation

I am a 30 year old guy getting in the best shape of my life. I think it would be great motivation to email, text, then meet a younger woman who is also into getting in shape and making something of themselves. I have been going through some rough times and see some light and [...]

Then got mad at me when I said I don't believe in them?
(8 January 2017)

I've been really emotional and moody and he thinks I'm pregnant and last week told me that if I am then I have to get an abortion cause he isn't ready.
(8 January 2017)

My husband put my 6 year old in time out all day, abuse?
(8 January 2017)

We fought all day about it and I told him I thought he was being abusive.
(8 January 2017)

She was only allowed up to go to the bathroom and eat.
(8 January 2017)

Time out was her sitting on her bed.
(8 January 2017)

He has asked her not to play house with her sister but heard my 2 year old call my 6 year old mommy while they were playing.
(8 January 2017)

My husband put my daughter (his step daughter) in time out from this morning 9 am til bedtime.
(8 January 2017)

Is this natural that boys would be such jerks with a girl or sibling?
(8 January 2017)

I grounded the boys but why would they talk about this?
(8 January 2017)

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