Saturday 28 January 2017

Here for a good time, not a long time

Brandon, Manitoba, Canada // Shelli:He hasn’t asked to hangout this week?!?!?!?(27 January 2017) Shelli:So I’ve been talking to this guy for quite a while now, we hang out every Friday evening he’s usually the one who asks if we are going to be able to see each other.(27 January 2017) Porsha:Women- Do these sound like [...]

Me on the other hand, I am really nice also and can be very friendly but always have my guard up.
(27 January 2017)

He s always been a super friendly guy, he s very sociable and gets along with just about anyone he meets.
(27 January 2017)

My husband and I have been together for 6 yrs.
(27 January 2017)

What would be a good date?
(27 January 2017)

We went to the movies just a few weeks ago so I probably wouldn't want to do that again.
(27 January 2017)

I'm wan5ing to take this girl put somewhere but I don't know where to take her.
(27 January 2017)

I live in Pittsburgh PA and I'm 17 male.
(27 January 2017)

Has anyone ever dated a pharmacist before as a customer?
(27 January 2017)

There's this girl i really like that works in the pharmacy and she's very sweet and nice and she talks for a good couple of minutes, so what is the best way to ask her out on a date or lunch?
(27 January 2017)

How do most girls turn down being kissed by a guy?
(27 January 2017)

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