Saturday 7 January 2017

I found this book encouraging and the lovely illustrations inspiring

Rick Warren then talks about prayer. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I will give my honest opinion whether I’ve been given a book or bought it. I only review books I’ve enjoyed and gloat about the ones that stirred my soul._ Cathey:I asked a [...]

My ex bf that is long distance is confusing me he said he wants to be friends but he contacts me everday and says sweet things?
(6 January 2017)

He doesn't even care if i talk about other guys we broke up 3 years ago what is his deal?
(6 January 2017)

When I stare at something I feel werid?
(6 January 2017)

Should I stop before I get hurt?
(6 January 2017)

My ex n I will meet for coffee but I kno my current bf will probably call me. Should I ignore my bf's call or ans as I normally wud?
(6 January 2017)

Should I hold back or just make it brief?
(6 January 2017)

It's a new relationship so we are in the honey moon stage.LOTS of FLIRTING.
(6 January 2017)

I wud normally say hey babe n he wud probably say he is thinking about me n I wud say it back.
(6 January 2017)

Me and my boyfriend barely have sex?
(6 January 2017)

We have been dating for about a year now and we are really good together both see a future with each other blah blah haha but even in the beginning of the relationship we barely had sex but we at least had it more then compared to now.
(6 January 2017)

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