Thursday, 26 January 2017

Monday my way!

[image] Monday my way! My morning was like an appointment to the Dentist![image2]At mid day her wind was in my face!What did you do to make your MONDAY better?[image10]If nothing works she probably_ Lilla:A few weeks she got her period (very light and a bit early) and to be safe we got her a pregnancy test.(25 [...]

I also described why she is one of the most amazing girls in the world.
(25 January 2017)

In the letter I told her we're currently in the same class and I've had a crush on her since we had a class together before.
(25 January 2017)

So after having a crush on this girl for a year or two , I decided to write her a letter.
(25 January 2017)

Love & Hate?
(25 January 2017)

I hate feeling this way and just want it to go away.
(25 January 2017)

So i try to hate him thinking that way my feelings will go away, however iv noticed the more i try to hate him the stronger my feelings become.
(25 January 2017)

I dont think he feels the same way as of he did he would ve contacted me even just as a friend to see how i am, but nothing.
(25 January 2017)

I have been getting on with my life but still think about him alot and have feelings for him.
(25 January 2017)

Anyway long story cut short we never dated, he moved away and we haven t spoke in over a year.
(25 January 2017)

Has anything happen to anybody else?
(25 January 2017)

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