Tuesday 10 January 2017

On Being Single

Is it supposed to be this hard to find a woman who wants a guy who is fun to be with and doesn’t want to lock her up from the rest of the world, hide and stifle her personal growth? Couldn’t seeing one’s partner flourish be one of the most satisfying elements of a relationship?. [...]

She was texting another man? How do I contrinue to trust her?
(10 January 2017)

How do you move past those thoughts and look at the brighter side of things?
(10 January 2017)

But sometimes i think she might just up and leave without notice and its killing me that she could be doing something behind my back.
(10 January 2017)

Still though, she says she would never hurt me and assures me everything is ok with us.
(10 January 2017)

That was roughly a few weeks ago and since i have made a complete 180 degree turnaround with my attitude and how i treat her.
(10 January 2017)

I confronted her and him and they both said it was harmless and most of the flirts were inside jokes.
(10 January 2017)

A particular text mentioning coming over to his place is what set me off.
(10 January 2017)

I come to find out she was texting another man whom she works with and being very flirty.
(10 January 2017)

She had told me she was not happy with where she was at but didnt know if it was me her or us or something else.
(10 January 2017)

I have been treating her quite poorly when it comes to her meeting me halfway as far as cleaning, paying bills, and generally being a couple.
(10 January 2017)

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