Wednesday 4 January 2017

Ownership option one is the traditional outright purchase of kit

There is no one mega product announcement but rather a number of announcements which taken as their sum are significant. All traditional vendors such as HPE not only have to compete against their traditional competitors but also against the cloud. Until now if you wanted a 3PAR you had to go ahead and buy it in a traditional manner paying upfront i.e. capex.

I feel like he just wont be honest in the fact he doesnt want kids. what can i do?
(14 December 2016)

We are both 36 and he knows i want kids yet tells me we are not ready and need to work on our stability first.
(14 December 2016)

What should I do I don't like my boyfriends friend?
(14 December 2016)

Last time I hung out with them the guy said a bunch of stuff like that to my face and it made me feel comfortable and I don't really want to hang out with them that much.
(14 December 2016)

But I don't feel comfortable doing that because after the first time I met them my boyfriend give me example of another guy's girlfriend doing that and then they all thought she was meeting so clearly they can't take it back.
(14 December 2016)

I also don't feel comfortable giving a little bit back which is actually what I usually do when people like this talk to me like this.
(14 December 2016)

However, his friend has been doing this since the first time I've met him.
(14 December 2016)

My boyfriend has even said that the three of them do this to each other and I'm totally fine with that I understand when men do it to each other.
(14 December 2016)

Some of these examples include oh you're so bad at this game I'm glad you're here and don't listen to her she's so drunk (the thing is I wasnt...) the thing is I know men mess with each other and such.
(14 December 2016)

I've hung out with him 3 times and each time his one friend who he says is the most caring person he ever met has made repeated rude comments to my face in front of everyone.
(14 December 2016)


Problem is, this usually results in me having crushes on multiple guys as long as soon as they talk tech or start explaining differential equations.
(4 January 2017)

I'm usually cool with any type of guy as long as he is crazy high school valedictorian and stuff like that.
(4 January 2017)

I m friends with a 41 year old woman (14f here) Andy parents think the gal is too large. Thoughts?
(4 January 2017)

She isn t my only or closest friend.
(4 January 2017)

We ve been neighbors for a while.
(4 January 2017)

She isn t trying to take advantage of me.
(4 January 2017)

She is married and we hang out and talk about life.
(4 January 2017)

My mom called the police but I don t want them to go to her house.
(4 January 2017)

We have all classes together and I m really scared.
(4 January 2017)

If I send the police over she will know I called them and then she will do worse.
(4 January 2017)

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