Friday 20 January 2017

qe sean buenas en la cama

Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia // Tandra:I expected relationships to be different.(15 January 2017) Tandra:I want to talk to him but idk how to explain it to him.(15 January 2017) Tandra:When people ask me how he is idk what to say because not even I know.(15 January 2017) Tandra:No one seems to think this is normal, especially my [...]

I can't face him anymore after a one night stand?
(16 January 2017)

Who is more gross, Ruskis or Arabs?
(16 January 2017)

Help! I met a boy... but I dont know what to do...?
(16 January 2017)

I want to travel and he wants to settle down...
(16 January 2017)

I just started talking to this guy and things are going great... but about a year ago i told myself i would focus on school work and my life after high school.
(16 January 2017)

What does it mean if my friend suddenly opened up to me that she argues a lot with her boyfriend?
(16 January 2017)

She used to be closed about the relationship but opened up a lot about how they argue and that he stresses her out a lot.
(16 January 2017)

She was touching me? And talking to me? But when I asked her out she ignored me???
(16 January 2017)

I'm a little confused here per'se.
(16 January 2017)

I wear mask to hide from girls?
(16 January 2017)

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