Friday, 27 January 2017

Quer arder???

Sao Salvador, Bahia, Brazil // Louann:We hanged out a couple times and he was very sweet and nice, always hugged me and kissed me on the head.(26 January 2017) Louann:We were together for 2 years and a half. 2 months he left but he kept texting me and I ignored him.(26 January 2017) Gladis:Why did [...]

A week ago, his gf broke up with him.
(26 January 2017)

This year, we have gotten closer.
(26 January 2017)

Not super close friends, but friends.
(26 January 2017)

Since then, we have been friends for those two years.
(26 January 2017)

We never dated since neither one of us had a clue that we like one another.
(26 January 2017)

So, 2 years ago, this guy and I used to like each other.
(26 January 2017)

Since I am not getting out of my car and we are coming right back home I am going to drive in my bare feet and not bring my shoes.
(26 January 2017)

I have to leave at midnight to go pick up my boyfriend at work.
(26 January 2017)

How can I stop having wet dreams?
(26 January 2017)

I have been sleeping in loose clothing, aka boxers, to prevent friction, but that still isnt working.
(26 January 2017)

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