Sunday, 29 January 2017

Seeking For My Othef Half

Newark, Delaware // Lakia:Hello, I’m in my mid teens and, I want a girlfriend really badly.(27 January 2017) Magen:What is frustrating you?(27 January 2017) Kesha:Why would a guy lean over your lap to get something?(27 January 2017) Kesha:Like he reached to get something and leaned his upper body over my lap.(27 January 2017) Lea:An online friend told [...]

Advice about rather I should proceed . Because of pain and suffering.
(28 January 2017)

But I'm thinking bout taking Leger action . Anything would help.
(28 January 2017)

Progessive agreed on paying I may to December fee.
(28 January 2017)

Plus put off going to Florida with my wife and missed out on a new job.
(28 January 2017)

I had to pay for new insurance, dmv fee, n no insurance.
(28 January 2017)

From May to December , I didn't have insurance.
(28 January 2017)

Shortly after Christmas, I got stopped by the police for tint, and that's when they told me I had no insurance.
(28 January 2017)

We were happy , prepping ourselves for Tha movie to Florida.
(28 January 2017)

My wife got a promotion in Octomber.
(28 January 2017)

I received insurance cards and policies, the whole thing for insurance.
(28 January 2017)

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