Saturday 14 January 2017

Soltera y sin compromiso

Lima, Peru // Silvia:A girl I just started dating called twice and hung up before I could even answer?(12 January 2017) Silvia:Ever done it or had it happen to you?(12 January 2017) Kellie:It looks like I have pubic hair growing inside my vag-?(12 January 2017) Kellie:My boy says he can feel brillo inside me,so when I [...]

But now he gets embarrassed if I see him, so I pretend not to notice.
(13 January 2017)

I have never discouraged him all these years; I figured he would grow out of it.
(13 January 2017)

He is now 12 and enjoys rocking while he is sitting (preferably on the couch watching TV or even in the back seat of the car.
(13 January 2017)

When my son was in his crib he used to get on all fours and rock himself to sleep.
(13 January 2017)

Is american buy everything at first meet?!?
(13 January 2017)

I knew him from internet and he paid everything.
(13 January 2017)

Official christmas colors?
(13 January 2017)

What age are you official an adult?
(13 January 2017)

I'm afraid to text her back just not because of getting feelings or getting hurt again but also because in the past most times she texted me was just to ask for favors like help with homework.
(13 January 2017)

So what do I do Also, I'm sure she has a new boyfriend now based on reading her social media.
(13 January 2017)

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