Wednesday, 18 January 2017


From a sample slide,A cosmos collide,Fell to the lab room floor,The culture grew,A monster who knew,It then opened up all doors,Now it walks and talks, of man again,Perfect, noble and true,A star chil_ Ardath:I messed up and we broke up and at first I didn t care but then I seen her and it all hit [...]

He told me he stopped going to school when he was in 6th grade because he was bulled.
(16 January 2017)

He lives on 8 acres but not on a farm.
(16 January 2017)

He has NEVER told me hes rich but i know he has like 6 dogs, some cats and 2 ferrets.
(16 January 2017)

Is zoloft safe during pregnancy?
(16 January 2017)

I have another ultrasound on the 25th.
(16 January 2017)

I've been taking it for about 2 weeks now and at my last ob visit the dr said my little girl is doing great.
(16 January 2017)

This is our first baby so I'm a bit worried about everything anyways.
(16 January 2017)

My older sister is worried it will hurt the baby and my mother says its safe.
(16 January 2017)

If OB prescribed them it must be ok right?
(16 January 2017)

I've done some research and get mixed answers.
(16 January 2017)

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