Monday 2 January 2017

Thank A Vet!

Today marks Veterans Day in the U.S. and Armistice Day in many other countries.Take time to thank a vet today, and not just with a restaurant discount…Thank a Vet -11/11/11 // Lucy:I am 17 and there is this girl I met a year younger than me and lives a long distance away and we have been [...]

Will a sonogram tell me if its not mine depending on the dates?
(1 January 2017)

The only prove she sent qas a pregnancy test to my sister of her hand with a positive pregnancy test result.
(1 January 2017)

She said she will do one tomorrow i dont know if she is even pregnant.
(1 January 2017)

Is there a way to find out with a sonogram?
(1 January 2017)

I'm not a pedophile and don't wanna be one, is why I'm so concerned.
(1 January 2017)

I'm not a stalker but is there a way i can look someone up in the internet to find out where that person works at?
(1 January 2017)

Also I never been in a strip club, so maybe tell me some things i should know before i go?
(1 January 2017)

Fast forward couple years later, I'm 23 now and I just found out she's a stripper.. I want to know where she's a stripper so I can meet her.
(1 January 2017)

Rumors were spreading that she was really a whore, and she invites men over to have sex with her when her mom wasn't there.
(1 January 2017)

I met her in church, she's incredibly beautiful, maybe the most beautiful girl I ever met.
(1 January 2017)

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