Monday 9 January 2017

There are box office risks associated with such a brave choice

It was rumored from the very beginning that George Miller was considering a black & white format for the film. It is not a continuation, it is an origin story. When the story starts, we are thrown right into the thick of things. When we meet Max, he is on the run from a group [...]

Buying a b-day gift for my roommate and I don t want her to look at the package and know what I got her.
(8 January 2017)

Long Question I like a guy that lives on another continent, but he said he wouldn t date someone on another continent?
(8 January 2017)

I know he doesn t like me but I m having a hard time focusing on other things. help?
(8 January 2017)

He knows I like him but he said he wouldn t date someone that does.
(8 January 2017)

So there s this guy who lives on another continent.
(8 January 2017)

Would you find this to be creepy?
(8 January 2017)

Although she smiled when that happened, because we were alone when that happened.
(8 January 2017)

Lastly, i told her how sorry I was for knocking down a display of snacks in front of her.
(8 January 2017)

I also said how I wanted to ask her out to lunch, but I wimped out.
(8 January 2017)

I said how well of a barista she is compared to me.
(8 January 2017)

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