Thursday 9 February 2017

Importantly we all need to have heightened awareness of the concept of inversion

They did not release the names or identities. We will have to await how this one plays out, but so far it feels like the same writers. This is the blow back from the strategy of tension the Crime Syndicate is running. Quebecois Alexandre Bissonnette, another Dylann Storm Roof cut out?_ Rhona:Lots of our friends … Continue reading "Importantly we all need to have heightened awareness of the concept of inversion"

I looked on the internet to find he got married and had kids.. now 10 yrs later hes found me on social media.. sent me a hello..told me hes married with kids.
(8 February 2017)

I thought we were close friends who would be friends forever..He dropped out of my life without telling me.
(8 February 2017)

The girl I love doesn't want to marry me since I am from a different background and earn less than her?
(8 February 2017)

Are all women into a guy's education, status, and money.
(8 February 2017)

It makes me feel very low of myself.
(8 February 2017)

I feel very sad after this incident.
(8 February 2017)

She also says that she earns more than I do and so our marriage will not work out as she will be the hard earning member.
(8 February 2017)

It really hurts and sometimes I feel embarrassed.
(8 February 2017)

I got really wounded for the way she shinks of me.
(8 February 2017)

She talks as if she is superior to me because she studied a technical and demanding subject and is also more intelligent than I am.
(8 February 2017)

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