Wednesday 1 February 2017

Love men and woman pleasing me

BELLEVUE, Washington // Jenise:About two months ago my boyfriend told me that when he got a massage the day before, it unexpectedly turned into something more and he didn t stop it.(31 January 2017) Zoraida:I’m just in a world of mixed emotions of the process and what to expect.(31 January 2017) Zoraida:How many days do [...]

I've realized it is hard being a step mom to other kids.
(1 February 2017)

Before coming here i know exactly what I'm getting myself into.
(1 February 2017)

My boyfriend and I both have kids.
(1 February 2017)

I am blessed to meet them once in my life.
(1 February 2017)

He and his family are very welcoming and patient.
(1 February 2017)

I left my family (with my kids) to go live with my boyfriend.
(1 February 2017)

Or is it best to stay close to families?
(1 February 2017)

So if you love someone and they love you.... but u have a baby mom who still loves u but but swears she don't and flirts and brings drama?
(1 February 2017)

Should I go get plan B?
(1 February 2017)

Should I get plan B just to be safe?
(1 February 2017)

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