Monday 27 February 2017

The Great Pacific Northwest

Although I’ve been a Southern Californian all my life, I’ve traveled a great deal throughout the U.S., as well as various countries of the world. Now I’m moving to live in the great Pacif_ Jesse:We have mutuals on Instagram, so i do know her instagram, but dont want to follow because i dont want to seem [...]

I am not on the pill but he wore a spermicidal condom (although I have heard they are not more protection than others). He also pulled out before he came.
(27 February 2017)

So I hooked up with a guy last week.
(27 February 2017)

First name for the Middle name Esperanza?
(27 February 2017)

What does it mean when a girl like almost all of you're pictures on instagram?
(27 February 2017)

I'm flattered even though I'm not interested but at the same time I'm confused on what that really means.
(27 February 2017)

Something like 5 years yet she literally likes every picture I'm in.
(27 February 2017)

So this girl has been liking alot of my pictures for quite sometime, but only ones that have me in it (no quote pics etc.). I only met her once and she was nice but the one thing I know is she's been in a relationship with a guy for a long time.
(27 February 2017)

How would you feel if your boyfrievd was a sweetheart, gentleman, and kinda innocent, but he admitted one of his deepest secrets to you and that was he has always wanted to smoke a cigar?
(27 February 2017)

Why do guys love me as a friend? They don't say it to me but they always end up with some other girl who's not better than I?
(27 February 2017)

Advice please !!! Dating and bad choices?
(27 February 2017)

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