Thursday, 2 February 2017

To the Men: Keep Warm!

[image]_ Francisco:Why am I only getting my associates degree, I’m a slut for wanting to Be a model and actress, how instead of being an extrovert like HER when I get home from my job and school, I keep to myself and watch videos, Netflix and chill and you know what?(2 February 2017) Francisco:She uses her free [...]

Like do the dishes, put away the plates, sweep and clean, etc.
(1 February 2017)

I'm obviously at home so the least I can do is help around the house.
(1 February 2017)

Been trying to follow up on some applications but still no luck.
(1 February 2017)

I myself have been looking for a job this past month.
(1 February 2017)

So lately my mom hasn't been scheduled to work these past 3 days(today being the third). Which I know annoys her.
(1 February 2017)

My mom is annoyed when i tell her I'm in pain?
(1 February 2017)

It's already been 5 days and I feel like if I wait much longer it will look weird.
(1 February 2017)

Should I email him or should I wait it out.
(1 February 2017)

I really like him and don't want to miss out.
(1 February 2017)

So I have been waiting and still have not heard from him.
(1 February 2017)

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