Monday 27 February 2017

Very romantic person, kind, loving and caring.

Boise, Idaho // Corrina:He notices that I’m resisting him so he thinks that he is doing something wrong.(27 February 2017) Corrina:He’s honestly amazing but I guess i’m afraid of him changing and becoming something else after I fall in love and give him all of me.(27 February 2017) Corrina:I’m making it so difficult for him.(27 [...]

I'm 14 and every guy in school only cares about girls bodies.
(27 February 2017)

Why is it oh so tempting to be mean online?
(27 February 2017)

Whenever I come across those am I pretty questions I can't help but be mean and tell them how ugly they are, but in real life I'm actually very nice.
(27 February 2017)

I am keeping a secret from my bestfriend. I need advice...;?
(27 February 2017)

I have relapsed and done it again, Im scared to tell him because i don't want to lose my bestfreind but i feel bad for hiding it, what should I do?
(27 February 2017)

I have cut in the past when he found out the first time he didn't talk to me for a week or two, then we made up.
(27 February 2017)

Student living with boyfriend?
(27 February 2017)

Would it be just like house sharing?
(27 February 2017)

I know I can private rent, so what is the difference with someone who isn't a student?
(27 February 2017)

However, I can't seem to find out from any of my college or ucas teachers how this could work.
(27 February 2017)

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