Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Wanna meet a real friend?… Here I am ;)

Tucson, Arizona //meelp.com/profile/badgirlly Celia:I blame my daughter in law because she never made an effort with our side of the family and her parents live in town.(20 February 2017) Celia:I have two grand children that I have never met.(20 February 2017) Augustine:I found him on fb and added him.(20 February 2017) Augustine:Boy 2: I met him [...]

My brother seems to visit with his wife like once a month which is totally fine.
(21 February 2017)

Or would it be best to just not have her meet them or just keep it to a minimum?
(21 February 2017)

Doe she have to meet and connect with them?
(21 February 2017)

My girlfriend doesn't want to have sex anymore? Should I leave her or cheat on her?
(21 February 2017)

Why bullies bully me?
(21 February 2017)

Does being physically strong makes any difference for women in sex?
(21 February 2017)

Marrying a revert?
(21 February 2017)

I've met someone (Tamil) and I believe he is the one, I would like to spend the rest of my life with him but I know my parents would probably not accept or it will take A LOT of convincing.
(21 February 2017)

I'm Bengali, my parents are quite modern but i know for a fact that they'll want me to marry someone from my own kind.
(21 February 2017)

Does he want just sex or maybe more?
(21 February 2017)

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