Wednesday 1 March 2017


The A-10 Thunderbolt II was developed in the early 1970s, The A-10’s official name comes from the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt of World War II, a fighter that was particularly effective at close air su_ Arie:How to Ask my grandma if I can borrow her car for prom?(28 February 2017) Arie:If so, how should I ask to make [...]

She is a disgrace to our family and has tortured us tremendously.
(1 March 2017)

I am a Muslim and I hate my sister.
(1 March 2017)

So I was supposed to chill with my man last night , but he told me at the last minute he was going into his other job from 9 pm to 1 am?
(1 March 2017)

Had a gut feeling so I went by his crib at 530 a. m he wasent there.
(1 March 2017)

What do love bites in the ear and neck mean?
(1 March 2017)

Are they always coming with a second intention or nah?
(1 March 2017)

She made her children her life, and I'm sure my dad will follow.
(1 March 2017)

Oh and also I forgot to add, my Mom literally wants to follow me everywhere I live and go.
(1 March 2017)

Is she playing games or conveying disinterest?
(1 March 2017)

So what can I do, just forget about her, I did really like her but I've kind of lost interest because of this, whether it's playing games or she's seeing other guys.
(1 March 2017)

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