Sunday 19 March 2017

Bittersweet News

Well seems that the feeling I was having wasn’t impending doom (unless it rings the death knell for my non-relationship with PG).Seems he has started a new job and has a new car. He’s getting his lif_ Gertrudis:Would asking him out make it easier?(17 March 2017) Gertrudis:My friends are trying to figure out how to make him [...]

I don't know if I should just let it go and maybe time will pass or If I should just step back and go live my own life.
(17 March 2017)

I guess they don't want me to be involved since I decided not to have a family instead I wanted to start school and get my degree in education.
(17 March 2017)

They ignore my opinion in everything and when I'm around I feel unwanted by everyone.
(17 March 2017)

But lately I feel like my family is pushing me away.
(17 March 2017)

My sister is having a baby and my family and I are very happy for her and her boyfriend.
(17 March 2017)

Is it a date when you buy a woman coffee?
(17 March 2017)

What should my best friend and I do at our sleepover?
(17 March 2017)

Well we have been bored these past few sleepovers and want something to do.
(17 March 2017)

Am I overthinking our relationship?!?
(17 March 2017)

I m 24 and he will be 24 in may and we don t live together yetis both have jobs.
(17 March 2017)

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