Thursday 2 March 2017


Tokyo, Okayama, Japan // Nita:He was supposed to go back to the house to finished the nursery on his weeks of because the baby was a few weeks early and was not done.(1 March 2017) Nita:He took 2 weeks off to help out with the baby and me after the hospital but did nothing, [...]

Hi, I take birth control, haven't missed a single pill and take it at the same time every day.
(2 March 2017)

What is a mother's job?
(2 March 2017)

Mental health, Adoptions and rehab?
(2 March 2017)

We cannot take care of a child with special needs right now because of alcohol rehab and personal family issues I wish not to state.
(2 March 2017)

He has been diagnosed with down syndrome.
(2 March 2017)

I am a 22 year old lesbian (married) Me and my Female partner recently adopted a child that is a newborn.
(2 March 2017)

Is it shallow of me to only date body builders?
(2 March 2017)

I need a man who can protect me and make me feel safe in his arms.
(2 March 2017)

Ok so now I found out my mom has to be put asleep when she goes to the dentist. I'm breaking out in hives right now and just can't do this?
(2 March 2017)

All she does is try to do the best for us, she's in her early 40s has a belly button hernia, her chest pains I believe do to her anxiety, but why is this happening?
(2 March 2017)

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