Sunday, 26 March 2017

Chistmas Dec25 on everycalander till you die !

Christmas day is a day full of rush and just bullshit……I have three adult children 20, 23- and 27… son texd _thre words Merry Christmas Mom…harsh…. and the other I called and the oth_ Cherrie:We been through so many things together so we’re like bros.(25 March 2017) Cherrie:No he doesn”t even drive or has a car in [...]

I want a unique name :( I want to change my name.
(25 March 2017)

It's Natalie. know 2-3 people at my school who share the same name as me.
(25 March 2017)

Is my boyfriend controlling ? - wants my hair straight,wants me shaved downstairs,wants me to dress better, -I have done these?
(25 March 2017)

He now wants me to join a bloody rugby team because he thinks I'd be good at it.he is annoyed I don't like Donald trump.he also threw out the idea of me getting a boob lift which I would not to.
(25 March 2017)

How to twll my 4yr old daughter we arent doing somethinf fun as planned?
(25 March 2017)

Her father and i who divorced 2 years ago got non refunable tickets and told her we would go.
(25 March 2017)

Her favorite tv chartoon character will be there and everything.
(25 March 2017)

Hello there My daughter lesley has been looking forwarx to this festival in Saratoga for kids.
(25 March 2017)

Not going to my grandmothers funeral..?
(25 March 2017)

Although I still feel guilt about not going.
(25 March 2017)

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