Saturday 4 March 2017


Firenze, Toscana, Italy // Jone:There was a day were I was at a social gathering with the family and they were there and they started laughing about what they have done to me.(3 March 2017) Jone:I love my older cousin which is their older sister and I also love my aunt and I like [...]

My son said a worm came out of baby's nose. What should I do?
(4 March 2017)

Is there anything to be concerned with?
(4 March 2017)

He's 5 and told me a big worm crawled out of my 1 year old daughter's nose.
(4 March 2017)

What would you name 147 kids?
(4 March 2017)

Did you ever notice some exceptionally idiotic point scammers will answer an old question of yours after you have awarded best answer?
(4 March 2017)

The morons don't know they can't get points after that.
(4 March 2017)

My ex girlfriend sent me a photo of her making out with some guy, she dumped me last week?
(4 March 2017)

But this is really the final straw.
(4 March 2017)

Now she's been texting me like crazy and she keeps snapping me photos of her with other guys trying to make me jealous.
(4 March 2017)

I initially agreed to be friends, but then I told her I didn't want to be and started ignoring her.
(4 March 2017)

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