Thursday 9 March 2017


Why are some people afraid to let their freak flags fly?_ Shenita:I’m a loyal guy and look for other loyal girls but I’ve yet to find one who I can trust.(7 March 2017) Shenita:Why do girls think it’s ok to treat men like this?(7 March 2017) Shenita:I caught one of the exes emailing other guys talking about them [...]

How do I successfully approach a woman?
(7 March 2017)

So my question is, how do I approach a random woman and get her number or get her to agree to a date?
(7 March 2017)

I've gained some confidence and I can approach and talk to women, but my problem is that I don't know how to establish a relationship.
(7 March 2017)

I've never had a gf or felt love.
(7 March 2017)

I need help in this situation??
(7 March 2017)

So in my feminist class there's a girl who sits across from me and I always catch her staring at me and I really am drawn to her and want to get to know her.
(7 March 2017)

Does My Ex care about me?
(7 March 2017)

My friend sometimes seems worried I don t like them?
(7 March 2017)

I have felt this way myself before but I m not sure how I can put their mind at ease.
(7 March 2017)

But still, sometimes they get worried and sorta find a way to ask me again.
(7 March 2017)

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